dimanche 22 juin 2008


My friend Genevieve, and me

Meghan, and her sister, Ashley along with Mia

Mia, dancing the night away :)

Mia dancing with Meghan and Ashley

Denis and Martine, our Norwegian daughter :)

Meghan and Philippe, our graduates

Here is Meghan and Philippe, with Meghan's parents Francis and Elaine

Here is Mia enjoying a virgin bloody ceasar :)

Phil and Meg...what can I say ?!

Here are my two beautiful blond daughters, Martine and Stéfanie

Philippe and Meghan, aren't they just beautiful ?

Myself, Phil, and husband, Denis

Our family...only one missing is Charles-Antoine who is in Alberta

Denis and myself with Meghan and Philippe

Philippe with his grand-mother

That was taken right before leaving for the grad...my kids :)

Philippe, receiving his diploma from the principal, Ms larente

Phil & Meg, arriving for the prom

Philippe and Meghan

This Friday night, we attended Philippe's graduation party. We had a really nice time, the ceremony beforehand was also very nice and touching. So, this is it with high school ! Philippe and Meghan are off to a new start, and we wish them all the best. You two were beautiful for your grad :) We are proud of you !!

Here are a few pictures of the event....

mardi 10 juin 2008


Allez Denis, you can do it !

Voici notre Denis et son pick up :)

Martine, Philippe et Meghan

Caro et Mia

Mia qui ne regarde plus le mud drag..

C'est parti...

Un peu d'avance sur l,autre concurent..

Il gagne ;)

Denis en pick up...

DENIS...tout fiere de son drag :)

Ce week end, Denis a participer a un Myd Drag, ici a Lyster. Il a meme enlever les marche pieds, et le pare choc avant du pick up..just au cas ou ....Heureusement, il n'est pas rester pris nul part !! (je vous dit que moi j'etais tres sceptique !!) Il a meme gagner a quelques reprises ;) Les enfants etait embarquer avec lui dans le pick up...ils ont trouver ca bien drole ! Se faire salir de bouette....c'est comique non ?! En tout cas, Martine va avoir une autre chose a raconter a son retour en Norvege....

Voici quelques photos....

samedi 7 juin 2008

Notre famille

Voici notre famille...notre belle grande famille, qui nous rend si heureux ! I love you guys with all my heart and soul. You make me happy :) Charles-Antoine, I miss you my son...there so far away...I know you are happy, so that's fine ! Martine will be leaving soon as well, and that will be hard too. She will be going back to Norway...and it might be long before we see her again. Martine, we all love you very much...you are our Norwegian daughter forever.

LOVE you all....